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Executive Coaching Proess

Executive coaching is a process designed to assist the high potential individual or a new leader to increase their effectiveness as a leader and/or impact their upward mobility. Coaching is linked directly to the organizational goals and initiatives. For a new leader, the process builds an on-boarding plan and aids in success.


Define the Goals

During the initial sessions, the coach will probe to understand and link the coaching to the business goals, identify strengths and development needs, and frame the process. The overall benefit of the coaching process is often to impact performance and increase the individual’s understanding and use of effective leadership. The specific goals will be clearly articulated during the initial sessions.



To begin, several meetings will take place.


Meeting 1: Coach and manager (HR attends if desired)

This meeting will:

  • Determine organizational imperatives and gather critical information

  • Outline how success will be  defined

  • Investigate issues and conditions particular to the coaching assignment and the company

  • Establish the time limits and criteria for determining successful completion of the coaching

  • Establish limits of confidentiality


Meeting 2:  Coach and client

The coach will explain the process and roles. The client will provide background and information from their perspective. The coach will gain an initial understanding of the client, clarify the goals for the coaching engagement and make sure that the client’s, manager’s and organizational goals align.


Meeting 3:  All develop a consensus

The coach, client, and manager meet to review the plan and agree upon the goals and logistics of the coaching engagement. This may occur at the end of the second meeting.



 Data will be gathered from multiple sources and use tools such as 360, personal style, assessments, and interviews with peers or other stakeholders. The background interview will focus on career history, work preferences, role challenges and opportunities, sources of conflict and stress, and professional goals.


Develop a Plan

The coach and the client will review the data and identify 3-6 goals and the process for achieving them. They may be performance, development, learning, management, and career focus. This plan will be shared with the manager for input and consensus.



Coach and client meet regularly and work through the plan. Meetings are often more frequent initially. The early meetings take place face to face. Later sessions may vary from face to face or via phone. The coach may be present for a specific event.



Critical to success is the frequent use of feedback. This can be as informal as a check-in with the manager or key peers or a more formal update of the 360.



Use the evaluation data to discuss possible changes, and modify the plan in relation to the initial goals. This can be done throughout the process and at the end of the engagement.


Coaching and Development for Managers and Supervisors in Groups

This is a custom process for building the bench strength and supporting the desired culture.  Topics are chosen for the individual groups such as: managing people, communicating effectively, performance management, managing a sales team, basic supervision, time management, etc.  (Trainers for various topics are available.)


Diana L. Clarke, Ph.D.


Silverwood Associates

4627 Ridge Rd

Wadsworth, OH 44281


Tel: 330-239-1646


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